====== OpenSER Modules - HTML Documentation ======
Anything related to OpenSER modules (improvements, updates, errors) can be added here.
Please make a new section for each module, in alphabetical order.
Thank you!
===== Module Documentation Generation =====
OpenSER includes from v0.9.4 Make commands to generate the documentation from SGML. This commands are:
make modules-readme - generate the README from SGML
make modules-docbook-txt - generate text file from SQML (same as README, but named 'module_name.txt' and placed in 'doc' subdirectory)
make modules-docbook-html - generate single HTML file from SGML. The file is placed in 'doc/module_name.html'
make modules-docbook-pdf - generate PDF file from SGML. The file is placed in 'doc/module_name.pdf'
To be able to use these commands you need to install 'docbook-utils'. The Makefile uses the tools 'docbook2txt', 'docbook2html' and 'docbook2pdf'.
To install the documentation in '/usr/local/share/doc/...' use:
make modules-install-docbook
====== Modules' Documentation Index ======
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